Part time office jobs in London

London Office

You will regularly find part-time office work on Hiredonline in the following job roles:

  • Administration
  • Bookkeeping
  • Receptionist
  • Retail
  • HR
  • Accounts


Would you like to work remotely?

Working remotely on a part time basis is a great way to balance family life and work commitments. You'll find a great selection of part time remote jobs in our remote working section.


Is previous experience necessary?

You don't always need previous experience to work part time in an office. Most entry level jobs offer full training. Work through a recruitment agency as a temporary worker, is also a great way to gain experience.

If you haven't got previous office work experience, then try to gain qualifications that shows to prospective employers that you have the right skills. This will make it easier for you to make the short list.


developing a cv

Is your CV up to date?

Before applying for jobs, make sure your CV is up to date with your latest qualifications, skills and experience.

Perhaps you've attended training courses in your current job role. If so, list this on your CV. It could be the difference between you and a similar candidate.


Office software skills

Perhaps you haven't worked in an office before, yet this is the direction you'd like to take your career. Brush up on Microsoft Office products, such of MS Word, Outlook and Excel. These tend to be very common and used by many employers.

Doing online courses in Sage, Xero or QuickBooks is also a great way to demonstrate to employers that you have the right skills, even if work experience is a little light.


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